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About Us

Room to Heal specializes in helping men and their families heal from the pain caused by problematic sexual behavior. For men stuck in compulsive pornography use or unwanted sexual behaviors, our recovery coaches concentrate on helping them break free and move into a life of healthy recovery.  Our partner trauma coaches are trained to help partners set boundaries, manage their triggers and move through the grief and anger that comes in the aftermath of betrayal.  For men needing additional accountability and support, we operate one of the only sober living homes in the country concentrating on recovery from sex/pornography addiction. 

Meet the Team

Everyone on our team has been through this recovery journey. We understand the pain our clients are feeling because we've lived it. We can offer hope that there's healing and joy on the other side of the darkness.  We have the tools, resources and training to help you get there.


Honesty – Stepping out of the darkness of shame-based living and into the light of honesty and transparency is a marked change for men in recovery.


Hope Sexual addiction can be confounding and many people battling this have tried (and failed) countless times to quit. We strive to restore hope of recovery that grows stronger as they see others around them (and themselves) gain consistent victories over this addiction.


Accountability One of the most impactful components of a powerful recovery plan is for the addict to empower other people in recovery to hold them accountable to sobriety and, in kind,  to humbly serve others by holding them accountable.


Empathy Learning to show empathy to those impacted by our addiction (including ourselves!) is paramount to the humility required to live a life of recovery.  


Vulnerability A common phrase in recovery circles is, “We are only as sick as our secrets.” Being open with the right people about the behaviors, feelings and actions that we’ve been keeping secret for a long time can be deeply impactful and healing.


Health A foundational goal of Room to Heal is to model and enable a healthy lifestyle. The tendency of addicts early in recovery is to latch onto other unhealthy addictive behaviors (over-eating, sugar bingeing, video games, TV. We understand this and, as an alternative, will provide and encourage, healthy behaviors instead.


  Our Story.  

How it all started...

We’ve been married since 2015 and have two young kids. Early into our marriage our lives were torn apart by Andrew’s addiction.

Andrew traveled out of state for his treatment and couldn’t work or see our son for six months. The treatment costs were over six figures and we had to sell our home to  pay off the debt. Though that time was insanely tough, we realized the intentional time apart  jumpstarted our individual healing and provided us a better foundation of healing from which trust could grow.


We started Room to Heal to make this critical part of our recovery more accessible and practical for the people who can benefit from it.  We've also taken the whole family into consideration when designing this program, something that was not a part of our journey.

Andrew is our lead recovery coach. He grew up in Hilton Head, SC and graduated from Davidson College.


Lisa heads up operations, marketing and partner support for Room to Heal. She grew up in Pittsburgh, PA and graduated from James Madison University.

Meet our Advisory Board

Our advisory board is made up of individuals who are experts in addiction recovery.  Most have walked with us through our journey of recovery.  They are the sounding board for all major decisions.

Sheila Maitland_edited.jpg

Founder & Director of the Relationship Enrichment Center

Sheila Maitland, LCMHCS, CSAT

Sheila has been working with individuals, couples, groups and families for more than 20 years. With a focus on addiction and co-addiction, Sheila works with her clients to discover the cause of their pain, uncover trauma and heal these wounds.

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